Tuesday, 21 April 2015

People Should Know What Should We Pray For

By Stella Gay

So many individuals truly believe in God and all of the awesome powers that he can display. Fortunately quite a few of them are concerned about what should we pray for. In reality human beings have a tendency to ask for jewelry, boats and big mansions which are very expensive. The more sensible person will normally wish for friendship and safety.

This particular incident happened to a good Christian woman who resided within a small town in Georgia. She had always tried to do the right thing while growing up and felt that God owed her many special favors. On a warm summer day this lady got down on her knees and begin to ask for a fantastic car which would take her on many travels.

Unfortunately God did not listen to her pleas and she is still traveling the roads on her bicycle. A powerful being such as God will never fulfill ridiculous requests which are made in haste. This woman would have done better to only ask for smaller and less valuable items. Smart parents may want to ask the good Lord for safe shelter and food.

Every child living within this world deserves to live in a home that is fully furnished and has large amounts of food within the refrigerator. They need to be protected from violent criminals who roam the streets and bullies who are attending the schools. Individuals who ask for safety may be able to score points with the great man upstairs.

There is so much evil within this world and every single human being should say prayers for people who are truly wicked. It does not hurt when someone tries to get their fellow man or woman on the right path. If more people displayed good behavior the entire world would be a better place. These particular wishes are more effective when they are done on a daily basis.

Fortunately youngsters around the globe are constantly wishing for peace for every nation that is in existence. They believe that a peaceful world will reduce the stress level within every person walking on this planet. Back in the 60's and 70's a generation of hippies had this same theory and they were always in a happy mood. Sadly these groovy individuals cannot stop the chaos that is happening in today's society.

There are so many ladies who believe that their Prince Charming will come into their lives if they wished hard enough each day. This particular request is really unrealistic since men and women usually meet in a social setting. In order for a woman to find true love she will have to venture out into the world and meet an assortment of males who really peak her interest.

There are also websites over the internet which allow people to apologize to someone that they have hurt in the past. Each individual who has done something wrong in life should ask for forgiveness and understanding from their victims.

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