Sunday, 7 January 2018

What To Do About Geopathic Stress

By Jessica Reed

Since this issue is now falling back into the public's attention, there are numerous individuals and organizations that are working together to gather information about it and distribute it to anyone who has concerns about it. Geopathic stress has long been known to cause a number of very serious health and emotional issues in human beings. This makes it very important for people to learn about it and know how to counter the threat.

While the study of this type of energy and its disturbances has only come around relatively recently, these disturbances have been active and in place for a long time. These energy fields have to do with the energies that the Earth gives off. These reverberations have a very real effect on the health and happiness of people who live in those areas.

As a living thing, the Earth gives all many different types of energies. There are a number of these that are good for human beings and can be used to their advantage, while others can have devastating consequences. The ancient practice of feng shui used the knowledge of the way these energy currents moved to know where to build and where not to build.

The practice of using this knowledge of the way good energy flows from the Earth and where disturbances in the energy field are located has fallen out of practice in modern times. The value of it was not seen, and commercial interests took precedent. Now, however, people are starting to realize just how detrimental these energy disturbances can be.

In order to understand where these energy disturbances come from, it is necessary to look deep underground and see the inner workings of the earth. Although we cannot consciously detect them, there are subterranean waterways that are always flowing and depositing minerals, which can put off negative energy. The electromagnetic nature of fault lines also affects humans.

Those who are considering going on a road trip or traveling long distance do not need to worry about having their physical or emotional health impacted by simply passing through a bad energy field. Temporary exposure to these disturbances does not have any lasting effect. It is important to know if the travel destination has any problems with its energy field.

The main tendency of people who are suffering from this problem is that they will catch any and all sicknesses that come their way. The reason for this is because when a person sleeps, usually the body is repairing itself and building its immune system back up. For people living in affected areas, this rejuvenation process is disturbed.

Most of the time when people are interested in learning about this problem, it is because they think they might be experiencing it. The first step in checking to see if this is an issue in a particular home is to determine if the people living there have any chronic health or emotional issues. From there, a dowsing may be performed to find out more, which is a way of learning information using a pendulum.

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