Friday, 13 September 2013

Reprogram Your Mind - How To Always Stay Positive

By Brian F. Walters

Positive thinking is not a common virtue among people. Optimism not only helps you be happy, it also provides you with energy to face the challenges that life throws at you everyday. If you are looking for tips to stay positive, this article will give you about 5 ways to do so.The truth is that things get better. No matter how hard a particular day has been for you, always remember that compared to the huge scope that life offers, its significance is less. Thinking about the very fact that everything will get better will help you stay positive all the time. Believe that you will feel better tomorrow or the day after and nothing can get you down. This is a wonderful tip to stay positive.
[How To Stay Positive and Happy]

Choose what you focus on,Recognize you are in control of where your mind's energy is spent. Make a determined effort to focus on positive things and don't allow yourself to dwell on negative emotions or thoughts. When you find yourself thinking negatively, come up with ways to redirect your thought patterns, e.g. by focusing on a goal, happy memory or something you are grateful for.Positive affirmations.Plant positive seeds in your mind's soil. Identify positive affirmations you want to believe, e.g., 'I have the power to change my circumstances' or 'I am a valuable person', and repeat them to yourself whenever you can. Soon, you will find yourself acting on what you allow yourself to believe.

Look for the positive in every situation.Lost your job? Perhaps your job loss will help you find the career you've always wanted. Been dumped by your boyfriend? Maybe you're better off without a boyfriend that doesn't appreciate you. Turn a negative into a positive and find the good in bad things that happen to you. Ask yourself what you can take from your bad experiences to turn them into events that make you stronger or a better person. Remember - we can't determine our circumstances, but we can determine how we react to them.

With a little effort, you can stay positive all the time and have a happier life.Do You want to Cultivate A Positive Attitude towards Life, No matter How bad the a Situations seems to be? There are so many hardships going on in the world today. Our economy is in the worst recession ever. Our dollar is losing it's value. More people are out of work than ever.

Be inspired,There are sure to be people who have experienced the same negative events or circumstances that you might have encountered. If you find your particular experiences hard to deal with, buy a book or audio cassette of someone who has walked in your shoes but overcome their problems. Realize there is always hope in any situation and be inspired to go beyond your circumstances.

Knock Out The Negative Noise.I had to keep telling myself that this was not the end. That this was NOT how my life was suppose to be. I had to knock out the negative noise that was in my head and focus on only the positive.Eventually things got a little better, then I got breast cancer. Talk about a blow to positive thinking! You start questioning yourself, "How can this be happening?" "Why Me?", "Is there any thing else you want to throw at me?"

I had to think long and hard about this one. What good would it be to become negative now? There really could be many more things that could go wrong. I learned to put a smile back on my face, be happy and stay positive no matter what. I beat that nasty old breast cancer, and my life is get better and better.A few tips on keeping that stiff upper lip and staying positive are:One: When something bad happens, take a deep breath, don't overreact and then think about what the worst outcome could be. Then think of the bright side of what happened. Believe it or not there always is a bright side, whether you think so at the time or not.

Remember: you get to choose the people in your life,We are not physically attached to every person we deal with day in and day out. It is okay to cut out anyone who brings absolutely no positive value to your life. Friends, family, coworkers, spouses- if they just don't want to be a part of your positive lifestyle, then it's okay to limit contact with them or do away with the relationship altogether. There is a whole world of people out there who can make you smile, so don't waste your happiness on those who don't want to share it.

What do you do to stay positive every day? Have you had to make some tough decisions about who stays and who goes? Let us know! The best way to secure future happiness is to be as happy as is rightfully possible today. Quote by, Charles W. Eliot,When life hands you a lemon, are you prepared to make lemonade? Try staying positive when everything around you is negative. It is essential for your health and well being. More importantly, the way you think, feel and act determines the outcome of your experience. So, why not make it a great experience by guiding your attitude toward one that is positive.

Five: Most of all stay away from negative people and situations. The last thing you need when you're feeling down is someone else that is down. Get around up beat happy people. What a difference it made having to go have radiation every day.It really can be hard staying positive in such a negative world. But, really open your eyes and your heart, there is a million to one in positive energy versus negative energy around you, if you let it in!

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