Wednesday, 4 June 2014

The Most Important Canadian Immigration Requirements

By Nora Jennings

Many thousands of people all over the world dream of moving to Canada. It is a wonderful country full of opportunities. The landscape and scenery are very diverse and offer something for every taste. In addition, there are many excellent career choices to look at and schools are very highly rated.

Despite the benefits of moving to Canada potential immigrants should realize right away it is not always an easy process. There are many things the applicant must know before they submit any paperwork. In fact, there are certain conditions that may well render them unable to proceed. The government is keen to maintain the high cultural and economic standards of the country and Canadian immigration requirements are very strict.

Canada is a huge country with a relatively small population. The government is actively looking for immigrants, but is very picky about who they approve. The specifically want people with education, job skills, money and the desire to succeed. Those who have certification or licensing in a particular area may be in a better position to have their application moved along faster.

One of the most difficult requirements to deal with is the criminal background check. Anyone who has every been arrested and convicted of a crime, in any country, must declare this on their application. They will also need to apply to the Canadian embassy in their own country for a certificate of criminal rehabilitation. The certificate proves that they have served their time, provided character witnesses and turned their lives around. Such a document will only be granted to those who meet all the stringent conditions.

Applicants must also be ready to provide police background check certificates from all countries they have lived in since the age of eighteen. This can take some time and there is usually a small charge for each document. However, the application cannot be processed without them and every effort must be made to provide them.

Medical examinations are also a requirement for everyone named on an application. If other immediate family members, such as adult children, are not named they must also have a medical exam. This is in case they decide to move to Canada and reunite with their family. The government wants to know if anyone has a communicable disease or long term medical condition.

One of the great things about Canada is the health coverage. It is free and available for all legal residents and citizens. This is precisely why the government is so concerned that people with chronic health issues who may become a drain on the system are identified. Each case is then judged on its own individual merits and a decision is made. Even if an application is denied there is still an appeals process to try.

Only when they have successfully obtained the certificate can the applicant move ahead. This certificate is vital as it shows that the government has deemed the individual as rehabilitated and not considered a risk for committing another crime.

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