Thursday, 19 March 2015

What To Expect From A Bug Detection Oregon

By Lelia Hall

In extermination of bedbugs, one critical element is the inspection. Before treatment can be done, the premises have to be inspected properly to ascertain that there are live bugs. Even with other signs such as presence of exoskeletons and fecal matter, they may not be adequate to show that there is an infestation. A bug detection Oregon can help reveal if bugs have infested your premises or not.

While there are different methods applied in inspection of bedbugs, the two commonly used ones are visual and canine inspection. Detecting bugs at the right time ensures that early intervention measures are taken to prevent a heavy infestation that could be a nightmare to premises owners. Bugs can easily be eradicated if they are identified in their early stage of infestation. If you wait until the population increases, it may cost you hefty to get rid of them.

If an inspection is not done properly, it may increase the odds of having a re-infestation that is more difficult to deal with. Different methods of inspection are applied and among the commonly used one are visual and canines. There are also other methods that can be applied such as use of traps and interception devices.

It also takes a lot of time to conduct the inspection especially in large premises where multiple rooms and locations have to be inspected. During visual examination, the inspectors will check for possible signs of bedbug infections including identifying live bugs. They also check on other signs such as fecal matter, rusty bloodstains, and odor.

The bites of bedbugs could appear like those of other pests and unless they are examined carefully, it may not be easy to ascertain whether they are indeed caused by bugs. Bedbugs tend to feed in a particular pattern. They feed in a straight line and will leave dots of marks on skin that are in a line. This is contrary to what you might expect from other pests.

One thing that premises owners should know is that unless they have seen a live bug, they should not attempt conducting a treatment procedure. Bugs have become more resistance to pesticides and if treatment procedures are applied haphazardly, it could result to more harm than benefit. Even if skin casts and fecal matter or bites are detected, this is not a surefire indication there are bugs.

Technicians will examine mattress seams, the edges of carpets, under wall picture frames, on headboards, and box spring. Other areas to examine are cracks on walls, cushions, and furniture. Using mattress encasement is also another method. With mattress encasement, they help eliminate the hiding spots for bugs, which are the mattresses and box spring thus exposing the pests.

Bedbug dogs have become critical tools for examining bedbugs. The canines are specially trained to identify these pests using olfactory mechanism. The accuracy and speed of detection helps premises owners to conduct inspections within a short span of time. Seeking the help of inspectors can provide you will reliable results to determine if your home or business property is infested by bugs.

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