Tuesday, 7 July 2015

How To Go About Rightly Dividing The Word

By Dorthy Lloyd

Understanding scripture is usually not an easy task, particularly if you do not know how to go about it. Lack of proper interpretation skills may lead to a misinterpretation of the Bible and wrongful application of the word of God. However, this does not have to be the case. You can take time to study the basic principles of biblical interpretation. You do not have to be a theological student to know how to go about rightly dividing the word of God.

Consider what the writer of the book intended to say. This is just like when you are reading a novel and you follow the storyline based on what the writer is saying and not on what you think they intended to say. When reading the Bible, keep in mind that it was written many years ago, so to understand what the writer originally meant, you have to have a good understanding of the culture and the times they lived in.

Do not take a passage out of its original context and try to interpret it in isolation. This will probably lead to a misinterpretation of the text. Instead, what you should do is to study the text before the passage and the text after the passage, to gain a comprehensive understanding of what is going on in the passage you are studying. You should also keep in mind what the context of the book you are reading is and what the main message of the whole book is.

Use other parts of scripture to help you understand what a particular text means. Ask yourself what other verses in the Bible say about the particular issue addressed in the text. Find out if there are other places in the Bible where the same passage is referred to. Study the other passages and see what they have to say.

Consider the genre of the scripture you are reading. Different genres are interpreted differently, as they have different features and are written using different styles. For instance, how you interpret poetry books is different from how you will interpret narratives or parables. This may require a more trained mind to do this, as some differences may be quite subtle for an ordinary reader to notice.

Some passages are quite direct and straightforward. They have no hidden meaning. Don't try and find a hidden meaning when none exists. Just accept the scripture at face value. There are some cases where metaphors are used, so you have to know how to distinguish metaphors from direct language.

Having an understanding of Hebrew and Greek will come in quite handy. If you do not understand the languages, then use Bible study guides to uncover the original meaning of various words used in the passages. This is because some words tend to lose their original meaning when they are translated from the original language they were written in.

Prayerfully seek the help of the Holy Spirit when reading your Bible. The Holy Spirit will open your understanding and help you see biblical truths. This does not mean that you neglect study of the word in the guise of waiting spiritual guidance of the Spirit, but that you diligently continue in it as the Holy Spirit will use that to guide you.

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