Sunday, 24 January 2016

A Summarized Piece On Rapture Fact Or Fiction

By Laura Burns

Rapture is that period when all Christian will rise from the earth and enter into the heavens. This includes all those saints who died a long time ago and those who are alive during that moment of when God will come. It is believed in Oxnard, CA City that all who are sinners and gone short of the words of God will be left behind on this earth. The essence of writing the article is to highlight what people should know about rapture fact or fiction.

According to many Christians belief, this is the second coming of their savior Jesus Christ. The scriptures stipulate that the last days there would be great misfortunes, where beings will face great troubles, agony, and vindictiveness that they have never seen since they were born. This will be a seven year period; we are also told that the anti-Christ will rule the world.

It is considered the second coming of Jesus, since Jesus did not accomplish all his promises the first time he came, and thus this is the time when he will come to take the church with him back to the kingdom of his father. Those who understand the word claim that there would be ecstasy followed by great tribulations, where all non-believers will be left behind.

Over the ages, the continent has experience loss of lives in violent ways. This has happened in such way that humans are not to control or explain. Nations experience a lot of demises and injuries due to hurricanes and tsunamis where people are exterminated in million. There is also a destruction of property. Others are also left incapacitated to an extent that they cannot work since their legs are cut off.

The media houses have reported in countries of being braced by strains of different kinds of natural disasters that renders people immobile and destroy property that cost people a fortune to build. Earthquakes of great magnitude have been heard every time and again and kill its habitants in million and thousands. There are also diseases that cannot be cured such as Ebola virus that slays faster once it infects a person and can easily be contracted.

These events were prophesied in the scriptures and serve as a sure sign of the end time, a period in which God will come to take his people. These are signs of the pre-tribulations that were postulated in the good book. These discoveries have triggered varied feelings among those that are staunch saints and those who are not Christians, since the latter fear what they will face in future.

Some of these events may be a sure sign of the coming Christ. However, some things are out of place which also raises so many questions. The rapture beliefs have spread over many generations. Hence, brings doubt over the matter.

All the people face the same demise and sicknesses. The problems are hurting and horrible and leaves questions lasting in the minds of many people if it is a fact. According to the disciples and the Bible, only the non-believers are the ones who are supposed to undergo the great turmoil but referencing the many disasters that take place in the world it does not discriminate Gods people from the pagans.

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