Monday, 1 February 2016

The Heart Wants What It Wants

By Evan Sanders

The depths of your heart can turn out to be a pretty pure place to go. I once thought it's a place of intense misunderstanding and where the past lived, but I have come to find that it's actually a place of purity.

These emotions that I feel within have been claimed by others to be intense and for whatever reason I have experienced some variety of negativity with this word. Perhaps it's the way that I am taking it? Maybe it's the way in which I interpret that word? Nonetheless, I am beginning to find this emotional force about life is essentially simpleness manifesting itself.

Maybe this intensity is actually how we were supposed to live our lives? Maybe this intensity is the exact thing that should be coming out in us and we should fight to keep it alive?

if we deaden the intensity of what is in our hearts we fail to live this life to its fullest. We succumb to mediocrity and suffer the consequences of not chasing after our dreams. There is no grander punishment to ourselves than this.

And yet, we are all terrified to go to the place our intensity lives because of how many bad feelings exist in our hearts from previous heartbreaks. But the journey is worth it if you can bring out the best and brightest version of yourself.

You have to risk it all instead of playing it safe.

The depths of your heart could be a place you go to grasp the intricacies and perplexities of this life. There are very many things that we don't understand about what is occurring in this world just because we can't see them. Often, you have got to run on true faith. You need to be willing to put your feet forward, one after the next straight into the dense fog and function on faith.

Will it be scary? You can bet your money on it. Will it be worth it? Oh totally.

You are going to have to travel deep into your heart time and time again and connect with thoughts and emotions that may not exactly be pretty. But if you can really give this a good try, there's no telling what you could accomplish with a new level of self awareness.

So who will you be today?

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