Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Things To Learn From Counseling Porn Addiction

By Richard Hayes

The urge to stare at naked men and women having sexual intercourse often starts gradually. Before you know it, the person who only had the intention of looking at it just once becomes eager to have another look, and that is how the addiction starts. Pornography has taken a different shape since it became available on several websites. The worst is that almost everyone can give detailed accounts of what most sex clips look like.

After watching one porn, the urge to view another comes, even when it is not the intention of the viewer to do such frequently. Pornography has a way of trapping people to become slaves to it forever such that even when the person never gave it a thought to watch any sex movie at a particular time, the decision to watch it can be taken in as little as five minutes. Such people need counseling porn addiction sessions to be free from this

One of the things you will be told in the counseling is the need to put away your devices for a while. If you use a smart phone for instance, you may have to sell it off to buy one that cannot even browse the internet. With no phone such as your smart phone, you will be cut off from any possibility of viewing those images and videos.

Another thing you may be told is the need to share the challenge with someone else. Even though this looks difficult, it is one of the most effective ways to stop pornography addiction. Just make sure you choose an honest friend who is also a confidant. Make it a point of duty to tell your friend about your latest temptations and how you were able to resist them.

If you are ready to invest in this challenge, you are likelier to succeed than if you only pay lip service to it. You can invest in some software that blocks adult content and pornographic sites from loading on your internet devices. Just make sure to include it on every device your hand can reach and soon, the challenge will be over.

Also, find out if there are new hobbies you can learn. The trick is to start practicing that new skill the moment the urge to watch sex clips comes to your mind. Things, like skipping the rope, joining others in a discussion, playing football or visiting the gym, can help in no small measure.

Winning the war over pornography is more effective in the open. There is a lower probability you will succeed in the task if you don't make efforts to break your privacy when the urge comes. Even if you have nowhere to go to, invite a few friends to the house around that time you usually have the desire.

Try to educate yourself on the dangers of watching pornography from time to time. Include lessons such as the need to appreciate the opposite sex better, avoiding strange spirits from having access to your life, and the need to prevent brain degradation. Filling your mind with the dangers of a particular thing should further deter you from participating in it.

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