Saturday, 22 September 2018

Ways To Make A Frisco School Fundraising Event A Great Success

By Roger Richardson

Public schools depend on volunteer parents to help them with special events. If you are a parent willing to contribute your time to your child's school, you won't lack for projects to take on. If you're tapped to head a Frisco school fundraising event, you've got a big job on your hands. In order to ensure a success, there are some things experts say you need to keep in mind.

It will be necessary to delegate some of the responsibilities. There are always talented parents willing to help. You might ask one who is especially creative to come up with a catchy slogan that gets your message across at the same time. This individual might also be put in charge of letting other parents know what's going on.

This information has to go out in numerous ways in order to reach the largest possible audience. You can use email blasts, signs, newsletters, and articles placed in community newspapers. The school website should have the information on its home page. You need to let the parents know when to expect the sales packages so they can be on the lookout for them. Remind parents that it's the kids responsibility to sell the items, not theirs.

You can't wait until the last minute to get the word out. It's also important for the parents and the kids to know what the money is being raised for. This gives them a reason to get behind the effort. Getting the kids involved is important as well. With the cooperation of the teachers, you might suggest that each kid create a drawing depicting a scene that shows how the money will be used and then take it home with them.

A certain level of excitement has to be maintained. Kids are famous for their short attention spans. To keep them motivated, you can remind them daily by setting up a giant thermometer in the foyer that shows how much progress is being made. Goals for individual classes could be set up.

Most teachers are happy to cooperate with your ideas for rewarding those classes that meet specific goals. They might offer their students extra recess time or a special dress up day as motivation for reaching a goal. Individual students can be rewarded for meeting goals as well. You might blow up a photo of a high earner and place it on a Hall of Fame fundraising bulletin board.

Parents and kids dread these kinds of events when they happen too often. Instead of several times a year, consider one or two really big fundraisers. Advertise the fact that these are the only chances the classes will have to make money all year. People are more likely to get behind these efforts when they know it is a once during the year kind of event. They will be more inclined to give their time and money if this is the case.

To get the most participation, try offering prizes for those who make any effort at all. This will get more kids enthusiastic and motivated. As long as the kids are excited, they will try to sell.

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