Saturday, 2 January 2016

Catholic Views On Matters Of Marriage

By Mark Gibson

With different religions having different views on marriage, the Catholics see marriage as a gift from God himself. The ministers in church give a lot of teachings to the congregation on the topic of marriage, some of the elements focused on include, marriage is a way of bringing a man and woman together in faithfulness and love, gives the couple a right to bear children and give life, acts as a response to the Gods calling of faithfulness and holiness and shows the love of Jesus Christ. The article will explain more on how catholic views marriage.

As the Catholics, marriage is born from the mystery of Jesus Christ saving the church. It is therefore seen as sacrament. From a marriage love grows between the spouses and in the process children are born. Such gives and opens a door for external life and holiness. The love shared in a family manifests how God loves the world.

Marriage is also seen to have a certain purpose and meaning. First of all, a family is born from marriage. Members of the family form the domestic church or what may be referred to as the church of home. This is the primary church unit where daily love, hospitality, care, faithfulness, sacrifice, prayer and forgiveness starts. If a family is able to observe all he above among themselves, then it will be easy to express the same to the world.

Human sexuality form another important aspect of marriage. It is referred to as sacred and holy. It is a way of expressing deep love and faithfulness between the husband and wife. It is an act that should be done with openness and complete self-giving. Sexuality originated from Gods heart and mind. Therefore, a lot of respect and honor should be accorded to it.

Marriage is not just viewed from the physical part of it. They attach a certain spiritual meaning. According to Catholics marriage is not just all about making a family and that is all, it carries a spiritual meaning. Couples reveal love of Christ to others and it is a powerful way of showing how they should reach to others in love. Couples can witness and tell others about gospel values just from the way they relate to each other.

Prayer is another very important tool in marriage. It is described to keep and hold a marriage together. Its a way of involving God in all family undertakings. A family can make prayers in a number of ways, the spontaneous prayer, for example, which a family says before going to bed, recited prayers like hail mother of Jesus, prayers made with scriptures and the perfect prayers.

After engagement the next step is planning a wedding. A number of couples do that by themselves today. Getting married in a catholic church is considered a very wise decision for partners who are Catholics or if one is a member of the catholic fraternity. More is got than just photos and avenue. Couples are advised to be very prayerful and thoughtful in planning.

For a civil wedding to be valid, there are things to be met, as well, for a catholic wedding to be valid, the following must be met, the couple should be willing to marry freely, they should have consent exchanged freely, have the intent of staying in the marriage all through and consent exchanged in the presence of two witnesses and a church minister.

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