Wednesday, 12 February 2014

The Processes And Principles Of Psych-K

By Marcie Goodman

Psych-K is a non-invasive and and safe set of processes and principles that can change subconscious beliefs. This method of dealing with subconscious beliefs has been in existence for over twenty years with a good record of success. Changes are accomplished painlessly and quickly, aligning subconscious beliefs with conscious goals and thus creating change that lasts.

Modern industrialized culture has resulted in us losing our sense of interconnectedness. This has precipitated feelings of alienation and lack of purpose, affecting not only our self image and confidence but our relationships with others and our environment as well. The combination of modern neuroscience and ancient wisdom used in these self help techniques is designed to deal with these problems, freeing us to live life as it should be lived.

Ancient wisdom saw human beings as part of a whole and power coming from collaboration between them. Modern industrialized culture has led to a loss of this feeling of interconnectedness and instead there is a dangerous mindset of survival of the fittest. We need to cultivate a mindset that fosters a sense of common purpose, security and abundance rather than fear.

Collaboration, diversity, adaptation, resilience, balance and harmony are all principles found in nature. Humans are also made of of communities of living cells and today many of these individual cells are out of alignment. This has resulted in poor health, destructive behavior and a sense of helplessness. Ancient wisdom teaches us to apply these principles found in nature to our daily lives, thus making our world a more sustainable and hospitable place.

Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, skills and behavior originate in the subconscious mind. We are only conscious of a small amount of our cognitive activity and it is our subconscious beliefs that drive us. Many self help tools or methods offer only limited results because they work on the conscious level dealing with will power, reason and positive thinking.

A key factor in making changes to the subconscious mind is the whole brain state. From a neuroscience perspective, the whole brain state makes the brain more efficient on both a conscious and subconscious level. It enhances creativity, improves problem solving and recall, improves emotional well being and enhances spiritual perception.

Accessing the whole brain state enables the individual to see challenges in a whole new light. Stress levels are dramatically lowered and thinking is elevated to new levels of consciousness. It is not difficult to access this state. Attending an introductory lecture or a basic workshop can help with understanding how it is accessed. Basic workshops are led by certified instructors who guide you through the whole process of dealing with self-sabotaging beliefs. The process is a dynamic and interactive one.

Psych-K may provide answers for those who are continually battling with the same problems and never making progress. Self-esteem, physical health, relationships and finances are all affected by what is going on in the subconscious mind. Once any limiting beliefs are deal with all of these areas go through a transformation.

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