Friday, 26 September 2014

Know The Paper Types Before You Print Your Magazine

By Elsa Noel

Printing magazines is not an easy job. It requires sufficient knowledge about the best printers and the type of paper to use. When we speak of paper in the printing industry is one of the hardest aspects in the preparation. Papers have variety of textures or what they call finishings, weights, colors, and types.

A beginner would normally ask about the right paper best for magazines and printing works. People usually have different responses since it will vary as to their own experience, knowledge, and opinions. They will refer you to a particular paper product, brand, or type and discourage you to use one paper from another. Print your magazine can be tedious but it is best to determine the special finishing or paper type you desire.

Paper finishings or the paper texture refers to its applied coat during the reproduction. Uncoated sheets, matte sheets, and those uncoated paper sheets are the examples of this paper texture. Cast coast papers provide highest gloss or shine on boards and papers. This is perfect for cards, covers, and labels.

For the magazines, use the popular lightweight coated papers. It is well-known for printers due to its thin, light weight, and well coated surface. Most publishers use this paper for brochure making and printing catalogues. Its weight usually is forty grams.

Next is the matte finished paper has a relative roughness texture that averts light's reflection. Matte papers can either be coated or uncoated. Printers choose this kind of paper finishing when they need high quality colored paper jobs.

Let us go on to the paper types. This is classified as to its usage. Coated paper is the first kind wherein it contains an enamel coat that allows it to appear shiny and glossy surface. This paper does not absorb the ink when printing and due to this, many printers prefer using it. The photo colors are sharp and bright. Applied with UV coating will then improve the paper's durability but it is expensive and unrecyclable.

Next is the uncoated paper that looks flat and not glossy. The ink easily absorbed by paper fibers which does not work good for colored magazines' having high-resolution pictures but this paper is recyclable. Last, is the recycled paper that is the most popular choice because it is eco-friendly and can produce high quality printing results. However, it is not cheap as it seems to be.

Now let us continue to the paper's weight which is its actual physical weight. Take into account that in this business, the lighter the better is your product. It can bring convenience and comfort without easily getting tired of holding the magazines. When magazines' too bulky, one could assume that it is too heavy. The weight is measured in pounds from, seventy, sixty, or fifty. For inside pages, the usual is eighty and one hundred pounds.

Another thing that matters is the paper grade. This is the trait of paper that enables to respond to light reflections. Grade three is bright, grade four is extra bright, and last grade five is ultra-bright. Select the best and suitable paper to ensure great printing results and profits.

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