Sunday, 26 November 2017

What It Means To Have Salvation Through Faith

By Steven Stewart

Since the beginning of time, many cults, religions and different faiths have emerged. Each has their own set of beliefs and laws to be followed. These religions are found throughout the world and for those who lack any belief system are known as pagans or atheists. The religions range from Buddhism to traditionalists and to Islam and Christians who are the two major religions. This article, however, focuses on Christianity and Salvation Through Faith.

The bible has quite some verses that talk about salvation, grace, and trust. The first is Ephesians 2:8-9. It primarily speaks about Christians being saved by their faith. This means that the grace of God will always be upon you and protect you from all evil as long as you have complete and strong faith in him. This means that without trust, a relationship with God will not be strong compared to when you do have trust.

According to the bible, everyone is born in sin. This dates back to the first man and woman in the garden of Eden. Sin entered the world through them. Christians are raised and given bible teachings at a very young age. They then get baptized and are cleansed of all their sin. However, if a Christian is to die without getting cleansed of their sins, they will spend an eternity in hell and away from God.

Everyone inherits this sin when they are born, but Christians believe they can be cleansed fro it through baptism and teachings from the Bible. Had the first human beings had faith in God, they would have been saved from the sufferings of the world.

The bible often compares the relationship between man and God to the correlation of sheep and shepherds. This is because people are required to have complete trust that God would never steer them wrong. This is the same way sheep believe the shepherd would never lead them to danger. However, the stray sheep often get harmed at an event suffers a loss of life at the hands of the wolf. The same way if a Christian stray away from God will be lured into sin and suffer for eternity if they do not repent.

Christians believe that the ten commandments given to Moses in Exodus twenty are meant to build their trust in God. The commandments are the laws that were spelled out by God himself on what Christians were to do if they wanted to experience his grace. They have been following this law since before the times of Jesus. This is a pure act of faith meaning that they believe in following the laws because, at the end of it all, they will be saved from the lake of fire.

Eating from the tree of knowledge was a sign of lack of trust. It angered God so much that he threw Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden. He also put punishment on them which people still suffer to this day. If they had faith like Abraham who was ready to sacrifice his son, they would have enjoyed simple lives, and they would have received blessings just the way Abraham did.

All in all, the Christianity religion is based on trust. Without faith one is bound to wither away in the earthly life, and their agony is to continue in the afterlife. This means if one does not have faith in God, they are doomed to burn forever in the fires of hell.

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