Wednesday, 13 June 2018

The Overarching Goal Of Defenders Of The Gospel

By Elizabeth Powell

Spreading the word of God isn't always easy. After all, the Bible, which delivers the Gospel, has long been the world's best-selling book. A lot of people are familiar with it, but many have strong misconceptions about what it means and who it is for. This is why it is important for defenders of the Gospel to have a clear understanding of their overarching goal.

To start, the Gospel is not what most people believe it to be. When translated properly, the Gospel means the good news. Actually, an accurate translation is nearly too good to be true news. When people know this, they will be less likely to believe the negative connotations of this important message and the Holy Spirit that has delivered it.

This news is the story of Jesus Christ. More than who he is, it is about what he came to the earth to do, and how he accomplished it. People often punish themselves when they feel guilty or when their consciences are heavy due to sin. They are also subject to punishment from God and accusations from the devil. Dying in sin can lead to an eternity in hell.

But, given that Christ has already paid the ultimate penalty for all sin, there is nothing that people need to do apart from believe in him and his sacrifice in order to escape death. For the sacrifice that Christ made, people also have the benefit of eternal life. All they must do is confess their sins to Christ and believe that he is the risen son of God.

When you defend the Gospel, however, you cannot make concessions concerning in. This is because the hour is late and Christ could return any day. This is not good diplomacy. Good representatives have to tell people the truth. Even though people are forgiven their sins through their belief in Christ, they should not willfully continue sinning.

There is a quite fine line between acknowledging the truth of the law and representing Christ. Believing in Christ allows for total forgiveness of sin. It is by building a relationship with Christ, however, that people are inspired to do away with sin and to keep their lives holy and righteous.

All defenders should also remember that no one is righteous before the Lord. The only man that has ever walked the earth and left it sin-free was Christ himself. Thus, judging others is not the goal of representing God. It is instead, convincing the world how much Jesus loved all of humanity in order to sacrifice himself.

When people are encouraged to understand how freely God and Jesus give their love, they will have a much higher likelihood of making a longstanding commitment to Christ. Thus, instead of telling people that they are going to hell because they are sinners, the goal is to share the good news; that God truly loves them. This should be done with humility and with the knowledge that building a relationship with Christ is the first step in getting rid of the desire to sin.

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