Friday, 1 February 2019

A Bible Believing Young Adults Church San Antonio Makes The Youth To Lead A Purposeful Life

By Michael Bailey

Christianity has done wonders. It has made the world to become a better place. It is hard if not impossible to imagine a world without Christianity. Such a world would be a very dark place to live. The United States of America is one of the most prosperous nations in the world because it is a Christian nation. It has the highest number of Christians on earth. It is closely followed by Mexico, and Brazil. A young adults church San Antonio plays an important role in society. There is the need for more churches like this in the city of San Antonio.

Youths who make a point of attending the services of a good young adults church usually find their lives improving in many ways. First and foremost, they become more focused in life. They develop a sense of purpose. This is exactly what separates them from their peers and makes them to live the best life when they are still alive and kicking.

The main theme of a Bible believing young adults church is to help the youth to lead more purposeful lives. This is a life that has its foundation on the Bible. The Holy Bible should be the compass of a young person. It should be the light of his feet if he wants to become a success story.

The main theme of any young adult's church out there is having a higher purpose in life. One should follow his purpose with all his heart so that to be able to make the world to become a better place. A believer should not only be focused on the present day life. He should also be focused on the life to come.

Having a higher purpose means many things. It means living a life that involves more than just working so that to be able to cater for personal needs. A purposeful life will positively transform society. Above all, such a life will take into account that there is an eternal life at the end of life on planet earth.

Young adult churches usually encourage their followers to avoid sin. Actually, sin came to the world through two people. They were Adam and Eve. These people sinned greatly when they followed the wrong advice of the serpent to eat the forbidden fruit. As a result, they fell out of grace and they were chased out of the Garden of Eden.

Every human being has sinned and fallen short of glory. Every man and woman is born into sin. That is the reason why newborn babies usually cry. They cry because of the burden of sin that they are born with. The good news is that every sin is forgivable. Salvation from sin is available to every person on earth, free of any cost.

Life is about decisions. There are decisions that bring gain. On the other hand, there are some decisions that will lead to ruin at the end of the road. The decision of sinning is the worst decision that one can make. That is because the wages of sin are death. The decision to become a born again Christian will lead to eternal life.

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