Thursday, 10 January 2013

Pleasing Women The Right Way in and out of The Bedroom

By Andy Aidam

Men, as a rule, tend to focus on pleasing a woman only in the bedroom. Scores of books and manuals have been written on the subject but most are only concerned with one aspect of the relationship, when it is important to understand how to please her on many different levels. Therefore, the best advice you will ever get pertains to satisfying a woman out of bed as well as in!


When it comes to a woman, she can be breathtaking, loving and in some cases maddening. In fact, some men even call relationships with women 'confusing', despite loving a woman with all their soul they feel confused and frustrated most of the time. The problem is usually that they aren't able to understand them. If a man wants to do this, he needs to learn how to please them.

What is it that makes a woman tick? To examine that, could take a millennium or more, so it is better to rather focus instead on what she needs from you. Women have an innate desire to feel safe, which means you take on the role of protector. Have you ever wondered why women tend to gravitate toward the "bad boys"? It is not their jerky attitude but their masculinity that draws them.


Now that we have settled that part of the debate you may be wondering how you can convey masculinity. Before you go out and buy a new wardrobe filled with denim and plaid or shop for a new Harley, you should understand this is more attitude and confidence than outward appearance. For example, a confident man who makes decisions for himself will not always be at her beck and call. In short, pursue your life and do not make major adjustments to accommodate the woman in your life. (Of course, some compromises are necessary, but not on every single point)


Men who want their woman to fall in love with them may need to try something different. In fact, you are going to find that a good approach will be to take note of what she cares about. One way you can do this is to look at Disney movies. Take for example the children's classic, Beauty and the Beast. In the film, the Beast gives Belle a collection of books, knowing she would love it. This won her heart in a way that diamonds and gold never could. The fact he knew something about her gave her a new way of looking at him.


This is the area men tend to gravitate to first, how to please a woman in the bedroom. However, you will notice it is at the end and not the beginning of this discussion. There is a very good reason for this carefully chosen placement, are you ready? Sex in your relationship is not an extracurricular activity independent from all else but an extension of every part of your relationship with her. Too many men are under the mistaken impression that women are less sexual creatures than men, but this is simply not true there are just different rules governing desire and way too many myths!

If you apply these principles, you'll be surprised how easy it can be to get girls to like you. Basically, you do not have to be Don Juan in the bedroom to satisfy the woman in your life. You do have to be an attentive partner and get the rest of the relationship on the right track if you want any hope of good bedroom relations. Once these things are in order, there is one thing you need to remember, foreplay! If you doubt the veracity of this claim, try getting naked and sliding down a dry slide. In addition to the basic rules of engagement you have some options for pleasing your woman in bed including, dirty talk, adventure, toys and much more! Now, here is the key, be careful with any of the above in fact you may want to discuss some possibilities beforehand because as already stated not all women are the same. (Getting rough or talking dirty to a woman who has suffered abuse in her past will not play well at all!)

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