Saturday, 26 March 2016

Finding Self Defence Classes

By Minnisha Degrate

Sometimes, the best way to avoid a violent situation is to learn how to defuse a potentially dramatic situation. The de-escalation technique is taught by policemen and self defence professionals alike. You can learn how to stall violence and avoid the situation.

Street self defence moves are different from martial arts because they are typically less structured. They will be practical ways to defend your body against an attack. If you are learning self defence moves for street fighting, you will most likely want to be familiar in a number of different weapons (real or improvised) in order to better defend yourself.

Would you be able to defend yourself if you were attacked on the street? Would you be able to recognize a dangerous situation before it began? Would you have the wherewithal to get out of the environment before things got more dangerous? When you learn street fighting techniques, you will be able to defend yourself and walk away from a bad situation intact.

You can use another form of de-escalation technique that will prevent things from getting worse. For example, giving your money to a thief rather than fighting them for it is one tactic. Another version is to ignore someone taunting you versus fighting them. There are also affordable self defence weapons you can carry for your own personal security.

If you can avoid a violent situation, you will be in the best place. However, once you are in a bad environment, look for ways to defuse the violence and get out of there safely.

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