Thursday, 31 March 2016

Who Are Represented By The End Time 5 Beasts?

By Harold Lee

The book of revelation provides clear signs of what Christians can expect when Christ is about to return. The end time 5 beasts is the clearest of these indicators. This will happen as the world creates a new order and a single government. What are these monsters and what do they represent?

Of the five beasts narrated in the story, four will be from the sea while the fifth will emerge from land. Each has a distinct form and represents powers or kingdoms that will rule the earth before the return of Christ. The lion is the first, but it has wings that are later plucked rendering it immobile. The second takes the shape of a bear and has three ribs. The leopard comes third and holds dominion. It is identified by four wings and four heads.

The vivid description of the fourth beast is for a purpose and very significant. It is described as very strong and having horns. Three horns are removed and replaced by a fourth head. On this head is a horn that causes it to speak pompously. The Son of Man appears during its reign and takes over its dominion.

The fifth beast is distinct from the others though its description is not as vivid. It rises from the earth unlike the other four that come from the sea. This beast is the forehand of the others and commands people to worship the previous one. Anyone who does not worship him faces death. It is responsible for engraving the mark of the beast on all people on their right hand or forehead.

The five beast rises from the earth but is not clearly described. It promotes the power of previous beasts and speaks with authority. In fact, it causes people to worship the first dragon and pronounces death to anyone who does not obey. It is this dragon that causes and forces people to receive the mark of the beast on the forehead or right hand.

As the end times draw closer, Christians need to be aware of the interpretations given to these revelations. The lion is prominent in England which is represented by the first beast. Russia is represented by the second beast which is a bear. Germany is represented by the third image of a leopard. It symbolizes their dominion with tanks over the last few decades.

It is worth noting the combination that represents the fourth beast. It is a grouping of world powers in an attempt to create a single world order. The representation of the leopard as the dominant image shows that Germany will one day rise over the other nations. This will be a time when the world will be in the hands of the antichrist.

What is left for Christians is to remain vigilant since all signs indicate that we are living in the end times. The prophesy is being fulfilled as nations move toward integration and adopt a single currency. The antichrist is about to take over the world and will rule with an iron fist. There is no doubt that Christ is about to return and take with him those who will be ready.

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