Thursday, 16 November 2017

Discovering A Christian Meditation Webinar

By Cynthia Patterson

When it comes to the Christian faith, there are many different congregations with varying beliefs with regard to baptism and salvation. When it comes to meditation and prayer, most sects now believe there is room for both in the walk with God. As such, recently a Christian Meditation Webinar was broadcast over the internet.

For those who do believe in meditation as well as prayer, this type programming can often be quite beneficial in helping one clear the mind of negative thoughts. In a recent webinar, a well known author and pastor explained the difference between prayer and meditation. For example, while prayer is often either a request or giving thanks, meditation is learning how to be still and respect the presence of God in moment.

In order to experience the practice and all it has to offer, one has to better understand the process. In most cases, it is a practice used to clear the mind so that one can relax and live in the moment. For some, maintaining consciousness is essential. Whereas, others often try to escape into a realm in which nothing is everything and everything nothing.

It can often be hard to clear the mind of ongoing thoughts, especially while remaining conscious of surroundings. As such, there are some things an individual can do to help do so. Some of these actions include exercises relating to inhaling and exhaling such as saying "I Am, " on inhale and "Relaxed, " on exhale. In other cases, individuals can do so by counting backwards from 100 down to 0. In either cases, as the mind is still working with regards to processing these actions, one is not in full meditative mode until these actions are complete and the mind is clear of all thought.

While clearing the mind is often the main focus of the practice, there are several different techniques and results. For example, some people meditate to relax while others do so to focus on forgiving others, or to find compassion, faith and peace. Whatever the technique, research has shown that those who practice on a regular basis often have better overall health and well being.

In other cases, individuals use the practice to overcome issues of anger, anxiety, depression, grief, hate, love and to find more happiness and joy in life. While there are others who use the practice to contemplate resolutions related to overcoming issues in various relationships. Whereas, Christians often focus on forgiving others while also connecting with God in a quiet peaceful place.

When it comes to meditating for Christians, most often individuals focus on issues related to church, faith and forgiveness. In addition, those in the ministry often find the practice a great way to prepare for delivering a sermon. Whereas, many also use the practice while designing, developing and writing sermons on a regular basis.

Different techniques work better for different people at different times. With this being the case, it may take some time to figure out which works best for current needs. For, while techniques may work in one area, an individual might need to change techniques based on future needs. Whatever the case, research has shown that any form of meditative practice often has a positive aspect on overall health and well being.

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