Friday, 25 May 2018

Understanding The True Meaning Of Salvation

By Michelle Sanders

You may have many questions about what being saved means. Some may ask, "What is the meaning of salvation?" Not all people think the same way, though there are similarities in all. All people believe that this involves the forgiveness of their sins. Not all believe the same way about how that happens, and the way to obtain it, however. Also, many believes it also involves other things than just forgiveness of sins.

All believe that being saved involves the forgiveness of any sins we have committed. However, there is more to it than that, some believe. We are delivered from evil as well, both temporal and eternal. We are also allowed to live a life of freedom. In addition, the saved person, it is believed, has protection by God from the dangers of this earth. To those who believe this, there is even greater comfort in being saved. However, not all hold to these beliefs.

Deliverance from evil can involve two realms, the temporal and the eternal. The temporal refers to a limited amount of time, as opposed to the eternal, which has no beginning or end. Accepting God relieves us of the results of this evil. This includes the agony of knowing you are participating in evil things, as well as the results of leading an evil life as well as the results of evil around us in the world.

Another aspect of salvation is the life of freedom from sin and its dominion. It is the nature of man to engage in a life of sin. Sin looks appealing, as Satan makes it look to the average man. However, the rule of sin over one's life is not pleasant. Sin, with all its negatives, rules it power over the person who has not accepted God's way. However, accepting God allows one power over that sin.

Another part of accepting God and His law is that we get protection from dangers here on earth, some believe. In Psalms, God made a promise to the Israelite nation that He would protect them from disease, illness, famines, and other calamities of a world of sin, just as long as they accepted His law.

There is the question of how one becomes saved. The Bible gives very specific details on how this can occur. One must believe and have faith in Jesus Christ. Obedience to His will comes next and is a show of the belief and faith one has. That is not saying we earn our forgiveness from sin. It is just obedience to show that we have faith and belief. Another step detailed in the Bible is to confess one's faith in Jesus and be baptized for remission of sin. All steps are important. Skipping one will not work, all must be obeyed.

Some teach that once you are saved you will never loose it. That is not the case, according to others. Just as a drowning man who is rescued from the water can jump back in, a sinner who has been delivered can go back into their sin. The Bible says to continually work on your salvation, which means being faithful. It further says if we remain faithful until death, Jesus will give us a crown of life.

The hows and whys of being saved gets complicated, in reference to how one believes the Bible. However you believe, it is something to be desired to have a relationship with God. It would take a hardened person indeed to not want that.

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