Thursday, 24 October 2013

Real Social Dynamics Blueprint

By Kathy F. Merkley

Although you may feel like you are alone when you suffer from social anxiety, it may help you to know that millions of people around the world suffer from social anxiety. If you suffer from social anxiety chances are you worry in advance when a social situation is coming up, fear crowds, fear meeting new people, or even fear going out in public altogether.The truth is you can learn how to overcome social anxiety because it is possible to change your thought patterns and improve the quality of your life. Take small steps toward overcoming social anxiety and you will eventually reach your intended goals. Here are some useful tips on coping with social anxiety:
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One way to work with social anxiety is through psychotherapy. Social anxiety often has deep roots that might stretch back to childhood. Things that happened to use years ago might still effect us to this day, and unless we can identify what is going on and why it is happening, there is a chance that things like drugs or breathing techniques might just be covering up the symptoms of the real problem. When a patient engages in psychotherapy, he or she can take a deep look at what has made her or her life the way it is, and if social anxiety is causing a real problem, the root of it can be found. Psychotherapy relies on the revelation of the deeper issues and its resolution can take care of social anxiety once and for all.

Ask a Friend If you are really afraid to attend a social event one of the ways you can learn how to overcome social anxiety is to ask a friend to accompany you to the event. If you attend with someone you know that supports you this will make the transition much easier to deal with. If at anytime you feel anxious you can always return to the safe haven of your friend's company until you calm down. Practice the Small Things.When you suffer from social anxiety even the small things can seem unattainable. Try practicing one small thing at a time to learn how to overcome social anxiety. For example, make a pact with yourself that you are going to make eye contact with at least one person each day. Tell yourself you are going to approach a stranger to ask them the time of day.

When you are looking for a way to overcome social anxiety without drugs, you'll find yourself looking up homeopathic remedies. When you are looking up herbal supplements to help you deal with social anxiety, there are a few that you should look into. Kava kava has been used to relieve stress and general malaise in Fiji for years and has proven antidepressant qualities; kava kava is often referred to as nature's Valium due to it's intense calming effect. St. John's Wort has acquired a reputation as a cure all and it certainly seems to deserve it. Many people have had success in treating not only social anxiety, but depression with St. John's Wort.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy In addition to medications your mental health professional may recommend cognitive behavioral therapy to help you learn how to overcome social anxiety. Although the medication will help to stabilize you, if your thought process is deeply ingrained due to your past you may need help with changing this pattern which is what cognitive behavioral therapy is all about.Your therapist will provide you with approaches for altering your thought processes and assign you exercises to practice at home. Your therapist will also work with you by creating social scenarios so you can practice social responses and behavior.All of the above tips can help you understand how to overcome social anxiety and start enjoying the presence of other people. Although it may be hard at first, you will find with consistent practice that you will feel more confident when interacting in social situations.

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