Wednesday, 25 December 2013

The Growing Acceptance Of Male Wives In Modern Society

By Harriett Crosby

Gender role reversal usually elicited mixed reactions from many people in the past but this is no longer the case. It is not unusual to find people supporting the idea of female husbands and male wives or practicing it. In this situation, a woman assumes authority and makes decisions on most things. In return, the man assumes the role of a wife so that he and his partner can live harmoniously.

Although most men display a strong, masculine outward appearance, some of them secretly wish to let their wives become the dominant partners in their marital relationships. This is their way of expressing their love to their spouses. They may also do this to let their spouses know that they adore and trust them.

When some females first realize that their husbands are letting them be the dominant partner in their relationships, they may get confused especially if they have a submissive personality. However, women who have a dominant personality may expect this to happen and they embrace it right away. When this happens, both partners should realize their roles in the relationship and respect them.

Women are as aggressive as their male counterparts in the workplace and in education. They are getting promoted at work to become managers, heads of departments and chief executive officers among other high ranking positions. This empowerment also applies their relationships. They can take the dominant role in their marriages and can even be more mature than their spouses who may get sensitive to various issues and get moody often particularly when they get older.

Males who take on the role of being wives have to take on the responsibilities that women have as a wife. Their wives take on the responsibilities that traditionally belong to husbands such as being the main income earners in a household. In order to be productive, men in such a position should know where they need to concentrate their efforts. They can use the suggestions their spouses give them.

Men should also get more information about taking care of a household if they assume the role of a wife especially those who are finding this to be a new experience. It is important for them to communicate in an effective manner with their partners in order to know what they expect them to do. Effective communication can also help them get viable insight on how to transition in a loving and productive manner.

In order to balance personal needs and those of a family, men who have taken on the role of a wife should remain involved in the lives of their family members. This will keep the home healthy and functional. It is also important for men to allocate personal time away from their obligation since this helps create a sense of wellness and balance as well as remain productive in terms of completing daily obligations.

It is also important for male wives to interact socially with other men who are in the same position. In this way, they can create friendships, become more proficient with completing daily responsibilities and share ideas. They can also become members of online and local support groups. Married people who reverse their gender roles do this to empower themselves and society should respect their choice.

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