Friday, 4 March 2016

Waiting For The Right Spiritual Timing Of Things To Happen

By Zingy Lacy

If you are over the age of 30, you are probably wondering when your life is going to come together. As a 12 year old child, you envisioned yourself being married by the time you were 25 and having a dream career by your 30th birthday. However, the fantasy is now over and you are stuck living in your reality. Why does everything take so long to happen? Why can't we get what we want right now? We pray and often it seems like spirit is not hearing us. Why do these things happen all of the time?

Patience is a virtue that psychics, ministers and gurus try to teach us. Most of us feel that we are not ready to learn any more life lessons. We want everything right now. Our minds often ask, "Why can't I have it when I want it?" We live in a fast paced society. Everything that we want seems to be there when we have money to buy it. If we want a faster internet connection, we simply upgrade with our internet service provider. If we want food, we go to the store and buy it. It is not easy to live in a world where disappointments are conflicting with our now mentality.

Psychics are often the first ones to tell us that we need to feel happier. We need to slow down the pace a bit. Modern day technology has taught us that we can have everything that we want right now. However, spirituality has been around for thousands of years. It teaches us to walk through life slowly and to not rush into anything. When we rush into something, nothing actually happens. When we have to wait for something to happen in our lives, it teaches us patience. We also learn things along the way that we didn't know before.

If you have problems with an area of your life, don't be scared. Eventually, you will see the light. Sometimes it takes us years to see the light that we have been blinded by for so long. Perhaps it is because we were not aware of it to begin with. The spirit world often wants us to wait for everything. Can you imagine if you got everything that you wanted right now? You would probably be bored to death on earth. When we wait upon the Lord, good things happen. We begin to realize that we never really needed it to begin with.

When we walk through life with patience, we begin to see that we can take our time for things to happen in our life. We don't have to rush anything. If you are working on a work project that has no sure outcome, it is best to wait and see what will happen. The human mind wants to know if we are going in the right direction. However, spirit is trying to teach you that it's all just a learning process. We often cannot see that when we are in the moment. Only when we look back can we learn our lesson. Never look at your age as a factor of success. You may have had other difficulties in your life that others did not have. The important thing is accomplishing the tasks that you started out doing.

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