Zone therapy is one of many alternative healing forms in the field of holistic medicine. Also, known as reflexology Oakland, the practice involves pressure to the hands and feet with specific finger, thumb and hand techniques without the use of lotions or oils.
Based on a pseudoscientific system of zones and reflex areas which exist on the feet and hands, practitioners can release energy blocks in different areas of the body. Also based on the premise that by applying gentle pressure to these areas, practitioners can effect other areas. It should be noted that there has been no scientific proof as to the effectiveness of the practice when it comes to eliminating medical conditions, calming pain or reducing stress.
As with others involved in holistic medicine, reflexologists share a unified theme that the areas of the feet correspond to different areas of the body. With this in mind, practitioners provide gentle massage to these areas to eliminate issues in others. In most cases, these issues are due to blockages of the life force energy field also known as Qi or chi by those in the holistic community.
Individuals working in this area often divide the body into ten equal zones. These zones include five on the left side of the body and five on the right. While this is the case, medical doctors have shown concern that by attempting to treat serious illnesses in this manner, individuals will fail to seek out the proper diagnosis and treatment for ailments which do not respond well to zone therapy.
Zone therapists often believe there are blockages to the invisible life force energy field which cause a number of ailments and disease. As such, it is also believed if these blockages can be eliminated, individuals can heal and return to happier and healthier lives. For, once the blockages are removed through reflexology, the feet send messages to the central nervous system which releases endorphins and other chemicals which have been proven to alleviate pain and reduce stress.
These hypotheses provided by those in the reflexology community are often rejected by the medical and scientific communities. Both being communities which often suggest the well-tested germ theory and lack of scientific data lack the research to prove the practice has the power to heal, relieve pain or reduce stress. At the same time, there have been a number of test trials which have shown that the practice can eliminate migraines, relieve stress and calm anxiety.
Claims that practitioners can manipulate energy have never been supported by science. For, there is no scientific proof that Qi, chi or life energy exist in the body. Whereas, practitioners and clients often report having experienced this energy first hand. While the medical professionals and scientists may reject this form of holistic healing, there are a number of satisfied clients whom would most likely disagree.
Zone therapy is an ancient practice which is now popular around the world. In fact, there are so many practitioners in Denmark that it has become one of the most used holistic medical treatments in the country. A survey in 2005 showed that 6.1% of the population had received treatment from a reflexologist in the last year. Whereas, 21.4% of the population had received treatment as a child or adult.
Based on a pseudoscientific system of zones and reflex areas which exist on the feet and hands, practitioners can release energy blocks in different areas of the body. Also based on the premise that by applying gentle pressure to these areas, practitioners can effect other areas. It should be noted that there has been no scientific proof as to the effectiveness of the practice when it comes to eliminating medical conditions, calming pain or reducing stress.
As with others involved in holistic medicine, reflexologists share a unified theme that the areas of the feet correspond to different areas of the body. With this in mind, practitioners provide gentle massage to these areas to eliminate issues in others. In most cases, these issues are due to blockages of the life force energy field also known as Qi or chi by those in the holistic community.
Individuals working in this area often divide the body into ten equal zones. These zones include five on the left side of the body and five on the right. While this is the case, medical doctors have shown concern that by attempting to treat serious illnesses in this manner, individuals will fail to seek out the proper diagnosis and treatment for ailments which do not respond well to zone therapy.
Zone therapists often believe there are blockages to the invisible life force energy field which cause a number of ailments and disease. As such, it is also believed if these blockages can be eliminated, individuals can heal and return to happier and healthier lives. For, once the blockages are removed through reflexology, the feet send messages to the central nervous system which releases endorphins and other chemicals which have been proven to alleviate pain and reduce stress.
These hypotheses provided by those in the reflexology community are often rejected by the medical and scientific communities. Both being communities which often suggest the well-tested germ theory and lack of scientific data lack the research to prove the practice has the power to heal, relieve pain or reduce stress. At the same time, there have been a number of test trials which have shown that the practice can eliminate migraines, relieve stress and calm anxiety.
Claims that practitioners can manipulate energy have never been supported by science. For, there is no scientific proof that Qi, chi or life energy exist in the body. Whereas, practitioners and clients often report having experienced this energy first hand. While the medical professionals and scientists may reject this form of holistic healing, there are a number of satisfied clients whom would most likely disagree.
Zone therapy is an ancient practice which is now popular around the world. In fact, there are so many practitioners in Denmark that it has become one of the most used holistic medical treatments in the country. A survey in 2005 showed that 6.1% of the population had received treatment from a reflexologist in the last year. Whereas, 21.4% of the population had received treatment as a child or adult.
About the Author:
You can find a detailed overview of the advantages and benefits of using professional reflexology Oakland services at right now.
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