Monday, 28 January 2019

The Wylie United Methodist Church Is A Vital Part Of Christianity

By Steven Schmidt

There are billions of Christians all over the world. China alone has over sixty million Christians making it one of the most Christian nations in the world. Every year, millions of people all over the world usually convert to Christianity. As a matter of fact, Christianity is the fastest spreading religion in the world and it is spreading like wildfire. No one can stop Christianity. Great emperors tried to do that and they failed miserably. The Wylie United Methodist Church is a Bible believing church. It plays a vital role in the global body of Christianity.

The United States of America was founded on Christian principles. All the founding fathers of America were Christians. Some of them were Methodists. As a matter of fact, Methodism has a rich history. It is Protestant in nature. There is the Catholic Church and then there are thousands of Protestant churches in the United States as well as in other countries.

There is no city in the United States that does not have Protestant churches. That is the case in Wylie, Texas, as well as in other cities in this beautiful state. Most Americans usually identify themselves as Christians and more specifically as Protestants. Protestantism started thousands of years ago in Europe as a result of the Great Reformation against Catholicism.

A true Methodist fully believes in the Bible. The Holy Bible is his compass. It is the light of his feet. As it has been said a number of times in Scripture, the Bible is a double edged sword. Scripture is true in every sense and respect. As a matter of fact, it has never lied and it will never lie.

The Bible is the holiest book in the world. There is no book that has ever been written that even comes close to the Holy Bible. It is the only book on earth that has prophesies that were prophesied thousands of years ago, that were fulfilled up to the last detail. The Bible is not only holy. It is also inspired and true.

Methodism places a lot of emphasis on the congregation of believers. There is nothing like lone wolf Christianity. That totally does not make sense. Two or more people make a majority. One needs to attend the Sunday service so that to be able to congregate with other believers. It is a pleasing thing when believers encourage each other.

As a matter of fact, church attendance is not a luxury. It is a basic need. The importance of attending the Sunday service must never be underestimated at any moment in time. One should also try his level best to attend a number of weekday services. These usually take place at convenient times such as during the lunch hour or in the evening.

Christianity is not about mere words. It is about actions. When everything has been said and done, it is actually the actions that will matter. One should not preach water and drink wine. That is the height of hypocrisy. A Christian needs to practice what he preaches if he wants to influence others positively as well as grow in the faith.

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