Sunday, 6 October 2013

Short Quotes With Explanation For Motivation And Success

By Kelly R. Crumble

Short quotes inspire us for action. Life without motivation is like we are sitting in a dark room. People often work like a robot and do not dare to dream big. God has given us life to do extraordinary tasks. We all have qualities and capabilities to achieve anything. The only thing which required is motivation.
[Quotes about Life]

So here's are some of my favorite short quotes to let you feel the magic of motivation i life- "For every dark night there is a brighter day." -Tupac Shakur This short quote describes how we should take our life. Good time and bad time keeps on coming and going. There is always bright day after dark night. So you should be optimistic and think the positive side. After your hard work, success is bound to come. So never give-up and keep on putting your best."All that we are is the result of what we have thought." Whatever we are is the result of our thought. All the achievement and success is the result of our attitude and our power of thinking. All the miracles take place in mind, so think high and work hard. Do not take rest until you achieve your goals.

"Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory." General George S. Patton This quote implies the fact that we should never ever back off from challenges. We should accept them as a way of life, for it was these trying and challenging situations of life that make us highly inspired and imaginative person. Discouragement, disappointments, fear, sadness, gloominess will hardly ever touch us."Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." Joshua J. Marine

Have you ever thought what your life would be like if there are no challenges to face, no deadlines to meet, no issues to resolve and no problems to cope with. Life would be quite dull this way, wouldn't it? It was the trying and challenging time of life that makes our life interesting. And with each challenge we overcome brings more meaning to our life, as we grow in wisdom and strength of character from it.

"Life's up and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals. Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want." Marsha Sinetar,This quote teaches us to change the way we look at life's ordeals. It tells us to take tough time of life as an opportunity. An opportunity to know your values, to grow as a person, to go beyond your limitations, to determine your goals, to get to know your real self, and to build the kind of life you have dreamt for yourself.

If our thoughts are so important in directing our lives, we need to pay more attention to thinking the right thoughts. But we need to understand that what comes out of our mind depends on what goes in there in the first place. Our eyes and our ears are the gateways to our mind. If what we read and listen to, are positive and uplifting, our hearts would be filled with constructive thoughts. On the other hand, if we feed our minds with depressing and negative ideas, that is what our thoughts would turn out to be too.It is therefore very important to feed our minds with positive ideas. Quotes about life from great people can be a good source of inspiration to one's soul. Filling our minds with wisdom and insight from people who have gone through life before us can be an extremely worthwhile investment. Great personalities who have years of experience behind them have left behind quotes about life that could be of tremendous value, if we pay heed to them.

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Quotes about life have been one of the most influential guidance tools for leaders and Citizens of the world. The knowledge and wisdom passed through these quotes are truly great; and we must appreciate their greatness, because at times they are the one's who lead us towards the light when all seems lost. Not only that we can look at these quotes as a way of life; a lifestyle that follows the ideologies and philosophies of the most spiritual and brilliant minds in human history. If religion is Opium, then Quotes about life can be a guiding philosophy for a better future.

It reaches many people. Due to the practical lessons these self help quotes offer, they are applicable in the significant human experiences. In fact, you can use them as your guide to relate better to others as well as to yourself.Self help quotes talk. Since it relates to the significant human experiences, these self help quotes can talk to us by providing important reminders on how to deal with ourselves and to others. It also reminds us on how to deal with our work in relation to others. It is one of the fountains of inspiration. With the many problems we encounter day by day, these self help quotes help us to be calm and remind us of the better options that we can take. Thus, it lifts us up from the many problems we experience and encourages us to move on.It boosts self-esteem. Self help quotes can also be self-esteem help. With the many experiences that discourage us, self-esteem help quotes can help us to be reminded that we have to think always of the positive side of life and negate the failures of the past.

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