Friday, 24 January 2014

Why Go To A Christian Church In Fort Lauderdale

By Judy Sullivan

Every person is always in search for a place of comfort, a place he or she can feel loved and relaxed, and a place where they are sure of guaranteed hope. No matter what your situation, you must have found out that the best place to be at is at the feet of the Lord Jesus Himself. There is no such great place like in a Christian church in Fort Lauderdale.

This is a place of prayer; the only means through which you can reach to God and make Him know the desires of your heart. Jesus in His own very word said to people in the hearing in Jerusalem that the house of His Father in heaven would always be a house of prayer. When you make the house of prayers your friend, you will realize how much easy it is to become a friend of God.

The house of the Lord is a place of praise. God wants human beings to praise him with fullness of joy. According to King David, the Lord will always dwell in the praises of His people. According to Jesus, should human beings stop crying in shouts of praise, the stones would assume the responsibility of giving praises to the Lord God.

It is in the sanctuary where humankind gets the opportunity to hear the word of the Lord. A sanctuary, which is truly committed to teaching the word of God, will always bring the congregation to light. Such a sanctuary seeks to teach the truth about the Kingdom of God, as directed by the Holy Spirit and not human minds.

When you go to a Christ like sanctuary, you will feel the power of God overshadowing you. It is important to keep in mind that there has never been, never is and never will be any power greater than the power of God Himself. Always be ready to feel the power of God during sessions such as prayers, proclamation and in times of praises.

Members in the congregation who are dedicated to working for God in truth and in spirit should always give partnership a higher priority. This important aspect will make it easy for people in the sanctuary to take the gospel to regions beyond the establishment of the church. Essentially, the body of Christ must take the great commission with utmost seriousness because it is the desire of Jesus, as He said before completing his mission that no one who hears about Him would perish but have everlasting life.

The church is a place to teach the young people on how to become good evangelists. Young people are the best to send out there to share the message of the cross because they can act as a good example to other young men and women out there that there is happiness when you are in Christ. Before sending them out, however, they need proper training so that they do not fall away.

The other reason to join a Christian church in Fort Lauderdale is to help you become a good reader of the word of God. When you read the bible every day, you get an understanding of who God really is and His desires for human beings. You know His plan for you and what He wants you to do.

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