Friday, 31 January 2014

Why Parents Should Know How To Stop Physical Bullying

By Eliza Mendoza

Bullying has devastating effects, and is a behavior that needs to be handled carefully to eliminate it within the society. Learning how to stop physical bullying can help those being bullied to understand ways to cope with the problem and come out courageously to denounce it. In children, this behavior affects their academic achievement. This harmful behavior can be witnessed among children and young adults, and to some extent in adults and elderly persons.

The effects of a bully behavior can last for a long time, and children who have been affected may grow up with those challenges. The children may show the effects many years after the bully happened. There are tormenting experiences, which can affect the future of a child. The earlier the situation is dealt with to help the child to understand this issue, the better it is because it assists the affected child to cope and deal with the effects.

It is possible to tell if a child is being bullied or subjected to other hurting behavior from the look of his or her behavior at home and at school. One problem that makes the issue of bullying to continue happening is because it has not been identified in advance. In addition, the victim remains silent instead of talking about it with the guardians and parents.

Many cases of bully activities go unreported because the victims fear of further aggressive attacks should the bully know about it. However, this is a big mistake made by the people subjected to such harassment, and they have to learn how to approach bullying in the right manner. No matter how defenseless a child feels, there is always help from the older people.

The moment the issue is discussed with the parents and teachers, sound measures can be taken to approach the aggressor and influence him or her do away with that behavior. Surprisingly, some of the bullies do so without understanding the pain and anguish they are causing to their peers and friends. In addition, such a behavior makes the bully feel satisfied, though in the wrong way.

Children and young people who are going through the mistreatment are scared of attending their classes. Children may even spend days at home or out of school because of the fear and embarrassment from the behavior of the bully. Physical bullying can take many forms, and it may be anything that causes physical contact between the victim and the aggressor.

It could be something like kicking, pushing, biting, choking, poking, or even pinching. In order to deal with this problem, people need to understand the aspect of a bully behavior. It is something that causes daunting moments to victims. Children or young adults have attempted suicide because they feel deprived off their life and rights to live a happy life.

Some children may even suffer from nightmares where they see people fighting them because the mind is trying to connect and flashback back on what they have been going through. Teachers, parents, and other adults do not have to let children to face all these problems. There is something they can do to help bullied children, and this is by understanding and applying the right approach on how to stop physical bullying among the children.

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