Friday, 4 January 2019

Benefits Of Going To Baptist Church Coward

By Sandra Cooper

The place you go to can influence you for good or for bad. As a result, it is necessary to be watchful before going to anyplace and be sure that the place will not be a source of sorrow in the future. To be very sure that you won't fall into trouble, spending all your time at Baptist Church Coward is not a bad idea. This is because it is a place to be blessed spiritually, physically, socially and healthwise. The grace to make Heaven on the last day can also be obtained here.

You cannot be in the wrong place and at the right place simultaneously. Thus, if you are in church, you will not be able to be somewhere else that can bring you trouble. This is important for the youths who have friends they cannot trust. They cannot be at the place of worship and at the same time tempted by someone to go to a place and steal.

Because of the church, people have lived longer than they expected. Miracles that could only have happened in a place when The Almighty dwells have been benefited by people who already gave up hope of living. Some have confessed how their HIV was cleared after taking the Holy Communion and others have been miraculously healed of certain ailments beyond the explanation of any doctor.

It is also a place to be encouraged. Apart from the lives of others in the church, another source of encouragement among worshippers is the Bible. Those who feel like giving up on life do not know how they suddenly get the strength to persevere till they finally overcome.

If you want to get edification, go to the house of God. There, you will hear songs that will lift your spirit as never before. Those songs may not even be new but because they are sung in a place of worship, you may get another rhema of it. It often feels better to sing a worship song in a congregation than in one's private time especially for a new convert. Songs learned in the church are usually used in personal quiet times.

By going to a Baptist church, you have a chance of doing God's work. Even though obedience is preferred to God than sacrifice, the one you do for other members' sake will not be forgotten. In the place of worship, people who have no food, clothing or shelter exist and by helping them out with these needs, you attract God's blessings.

As an usher, Bible study teacher or a member of any unit available in First Baptist churches, you are opportune to serve other members. God sees this as service to Him too and He blesses such especially if you do it with love.

If you want to spend less time training your children at home, it is best to enroll them in the Sunday school of First Baptist churches. They have teachers who have truly given their lives to Christ and have a story to share to your kids. Your kids learn from them and what the Bible also has to say. This makes them better and more disposed to obey you at home.

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