Sunday, 19 May 2013

Tools For Long Distance Relationships

By Jack Roberts

After being in your long distance relationship for a few weeks you will notice that it can be quite hard to communicate often with your partner. A lack of communication in a relationship can really hurt a relationship, even breaking it completely apart. There are a lot of great tools to choose from that will help your relationship grow, but the greatest are listed below.

The Postal Service

You got it, The Post Office! Emails are easy and instant messaging is fast, but do you remember many years before that when we would mail our letters to each other? Research has found that long distance couples who send love letters to each other have proven to have an exceptionally strong bond.

Trust Building Books

Or any other long distance relationship guidance reading material for that matter. Once you feel yourself getting into a bland routine, seek out some great relationship building questions to talk over. You will learn a heck of a lot more about your partner which will strengthen the bond between you.


Streaming services are unfortunately beginning to outdate DVD and BluRay. But that means you don't have to buy separate copies of one movie to enjoy watching it together. Simply sign up for an account, press play together while on webcam, and have yourselves a cosy night in together.

Online Calling Applications

And what good would a long distance relationship tools checklist be without a good old internet webcam service? This is by far the greatest and most essential tool you can have for your long distance relationship. It's easy, fast, and free to use. This will allow you to see each other on webcam every minute if you want to. But we really advice against couples spending longer than four hours per day talking together. While talking for long periods of time will initially help you to deal with the distance, it's also healthy to go outside and have independent lives too.


This tool is a great way to share your snaps! Instagram is a photo sharing and social networking website. You can take pictures of yourself, implement a filter to them, and share them on Facebook or Twitter for your loved one to check out. You can create an album for each day or week of your time apart, edit their captions so that you can tell them about each part of your day and make it feel like they have been there with you.

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