Friday, 29 November 2013

Pink Diamonds - 10 Fun Facts That You May Not Know

By Garen Tovah

Have you ever seen a pink diamond in real life? Pink Diamonds are not really common and are the most expensive type of diamond to buy. In this articles, we've listed ten interesting facts about Pink Diamond that you may not know. Impress your friends and girlfriend with your new knowledge.

1. The Pink Panther Diamond is one of the most famous diamonds. However, the fact is that it never existed!

2. The total weight of 1 carat pink diamond is only 0.2 gms, which is actually equivalent to one matchstick.

3. The rarest variety of pink diamonds is only sold through annual tenders. You need special invitations to be a part of such auctions.

4. Naturally pink diamonds are very rare and 98% of the jewellers in the world have never seen it in their life.

5. Darya-Ye-Noor is one of the world's largest Pink diamond, estimated to weigh between 175-195 carats.

6. The Australian Aboriginal people believe that the Argyle mine was created when a group of women were fishing for a barramundi and it escaped the net. They also believe that the varying colours of Argyle's diamonds are from the different parts of the barramundi - with pink diamonds' colouring coming from its heart.

7. An Argyle pink diamond's wealth is considered to be the most concentrated form of wealth found anywhere in the world.

8. The price of pink diamonds appreciates around 20% a year. Thus, it should be anticipated that the prices of this variety of stones may have no limit once the Argyle mine is closed.

9. The Argyle Diamond Mine is located in North West Australia. The mine takes care of over 90% of demand of pink diamond in the world.

10. Nokia Supreme handset is notably the most expensive mobile handsets in the world, studded with1225 sparkling pink diamonds set on a platinum body.

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