Friday, 14 December 2012

Finding Love In A Hopeless Place

By Yeen A. Lanvin

There are a couple of things people seem to be really obsessed about these days, and that is being fit and lean and looking their best at all times. They also seem to be obsessed with getting all the right clothes and gadgets. You may agree with this, but one thing that everyone in the world seems to always be thinking about is love. It really is but the simplest of words, but people have been obsessing about finding love for more than several hundred years.

Even in this fast-paced age, you will find that a lot of things grind to a screeching halt all in the name of love. This ought to show you just how obsessed people are about love. But what you will also need to understand is that love is so complex that any endeavors to understand it may just frustrate you. One reason behind the confusion as to what love is may be due to the fact that love feels different for each and every one and some people even mistake negative emotions for love. You may think that what you are feeling is love but it may just be jealousy or even lust.

Take note that if someone is unhappy in a supposedly loving relationship, that is not true love. If you are sick and tired of looking for love in all the wrong place sand all the wrong people, you may want to try making love go to you.

Looking for love may trick you into forcing to feel love which will have very nasty results. If you cannot find love this way then there is no way you can ever hope to find love. But all joking aside, "Will I ever find love?" is something you will no longer have to ask yourself if you just learn to love yourself first. You can do this if you try meditation.

When you try an exercise like yoga with meditation, you will be surprised at the results. If you want love to find you and not the other way around, take a break from trying to find your love and love yourself first. This is a lot harder than it sounds as people seem to be trained to hate themselves but if you do open your mind and you love yourself that you want to learn how to find true love, you will be a happier and more positive person, which means people will be more receptive to your vibes.

Yoga will clear your system and strengthen your body so you feel good about yourself, but the meditation will make you feel even better. Try it out and feel your positivity grow.

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