Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Some Of The Reasons For A Democratic Forum

By Kelsey Martin

There are a number of democratic forum discussions set up. Some of them are sponsored by other groups or interested parties and some have been fairly organic. These individuals meet to discuss things that are of interest to Democrats and their elected officials. Some of those major areas of concern are the environment, the poor and homeless, taxes, welfare and unemployment. They meet to make policy recommendations to the elected officials they serve.

In this economy, some of the major proposals are centered around more revenue into the federal government. The recession, some say the depression, continues and money coming into the government is slowing a bit. More revenue is needed to spend on creating jobs is the feelings in this group. The tax rates on certain individuals are discussed as being too low and need to be brought into compliance with economic justice principles.

Nancy Pelosi, Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, has stated that more money is needed for unemployment benefits. This will increase the number of jobs available. This is discussed as well as what should be done to speed up the decrease in the unemployment numbers that are coming out of the White House.

The need for additional tax money to provide for the poor among us is discussed at length. These welfare or transfer payments are designed to pay for their basic bills. These funds need to also be spent on things such as free phones for people looking for work. These ideas are followed up with phone calls and emails to their elected officials with suggestions about other things that will help these, often, forgotten peoples. The history of this program to not have the effect it is supposed to have is not discussed.

The many defined poor and homeless people that still exist in the United States are also a subject of many heated discussions. These forums will identify many things that should be done for these unfortunate individuals. The building of places for them to live and extra money for them to maintain some semblance of life is discussed. There are very well thought out ideas about their rights to sleep in parks and be able to panhandle are treated as necessary evils to aid in the acceptance of these transient people.

Global warming and environmental degradation have prominent places in most of the current discussions. Solar and wind power have been brought up time and time again as several of the ways to reduce our carbon footprint. More money is being asked for to make these methods of power generation become more economically viable.

These forums request and receive many different informational reports from an entire host of people and institutions. They get these from scientists, activists and the media. A very large part of the issues being talked about already have the decisions made about what should be done. The discussions have almost always been around how to implement the plans being discussed.

A democratic forum is set up to take as much information that is available and construct viable plans for the implementation of what has already been decided. Much is made about the differences between them and the other side of the aisle. These are political groups and as such any decisions and policies promoted will be political ones.

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