Monday, 11 February 2013

Immaturity, The Male Mind, And Funny Tee Shirts

By Nicholas Mosley

Guys have one goal in life and one goal only, and that goal is to get women to like them. In some convoluted, messed-up way...guys who make girls mad are only doing it to ultimately make those same girls want them. When a man drives forward to be a success, they do it because that will give them money. Money gives men the power of security. Women crave security, and therefore men with power. Therefore, men only want to succeed in life in order to make women want them. When a man is not successful, he must resort to other means to gain funny tshirts and other harassments.

Funny tee shirts are a great place to start when analyzing the inner mind of dudes everywhere. Guys will put a funny t-shirt on strictly for the purpose of making a girl stare at him for more than a few seconds. He chooses a shirt that is provocative, offensive, or misogynist because he is trained by his past experiences to know that these get the most attention. Even negative attention from a girl is enough to make a fellow return to that same behavior.

Men are animalistic in nature, but they also mature very slowly. When kids first start school, it is a very important developmental moment in their upbringing. Young girls handle this by making strong emotional connections to other girls and forming the first instances of social ties that they will experience. A boy spends this time learning how not to be an immature child. When a boy takes note of a little girl at this stage, he responds to those feelings by taunting and harassing them. As they grow up, their tactics rarely change. Offensively funny tshirts are the same thing as pulling a little girls hair in grade school to get her attention.

"Boys never grow up" is a phrase you will hear many women tout during their life, especially if they have extensive experience in dealing with men all their lives. Men will never truly understand how to deal with women or how to properly engage them on their level. In order to spur a female into engagement, men will taunt them with misogynistic funny shirts or crass behavior. When this flaunting gains the notice of a female, it is only then when a man feels comfortable enough to interact.

Guys are simple creatures and they respond to simple stimulus. Being a representative of the male gender gives me a certain introspective view of the whole situation that women will never be able to grasp. All you have to remember when you see a man being an idiot and wearing funny t-shirts is that it is all for your own benefit. You should be quite flattered that someone would make a moron of themselves all for you.

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