Monday, 4 February 2013

All About Short Term Mission Trip

By Lionel Higgins

Short term mission is way of meeting up people in a certain place where there are small amount of development and progress. And due to that, they are mostly having low in faith to God. Your mission of course will tell them the good news of God. They are surely had less known God in their heart. It is possible that you can change their way of living and inspired them with your experiences with having the strong tight of faith to God despite of the circumstances comes along in your life. It will give a huge impact to them for sure. And it has to be that way.

That also a way of experience the effective in developing yourself and can you will be able to help others that have spiritual issues. Sharing your experience to others can give also a big impact to them. It might the way to lessen and loosen up their tight and low faith in God. It will make them understand things and can make their mind open to new possibilities and think of a new hope. The way you are able to get touch with in your mission is very essential, might not be to others but to those who are willing to learn and listen it will be and will always be.

Your principles will be always at ease every time you encounter difficulties to make them change their lives and surrender their soul to God. Giving and making them experience happiness is very essential to his kind of mission. It is not only telling them but also convincing them to change. That is the true essence of your purpose in making this trip to be oblige in continuing to make other people know and knowledgeable about God and His will to His sons and daughters on earth. Your intentions may not be appreciated but that won't make you stop from your mission. Be strong and have always faith in God. If you see yourself serving God in this way then it is you responsibility to make people who do not believe in Him or never believe in Him will be able to know Him and make them believe. Simple this it was but it has always trials on your way.

Your patience and understanding is highly reprimanded due to some who are not fascinated or they think it is not their concerned anymore either way they think to you for them. As said, you can never please everyone. But with the help of God and with your strong faith in God you will succeed. You may not notice it but you will see you did a good job in making them believe your experiences and it will make them surely to believe God and will have faith on Him.

Extend your patience always. That is the best armor you have in every short term mission you are into. It has to be good news for it will make their life improved and develop their self in restoring and renewal of their faith to God. Simple as it was but take time to let them understand the value of it. The sacrifice is worth it because you try to make tell people the sense of being with God in times of your bad and good times. It could be to them as long you are able to extend your arms to embrace with them the true essence of being a Christian. You can search more in the internet a lot more about short term mission trip.

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