Thursday, 9 May 2013

True Love Creation

By Sienna Nalin

True love is something that melts people's hearts and makes them feel dearly cared about. If you have had this, then you know what I am talking about. For those of you that have not experienced it yet, but want to, here is some good advice. (Image by CourtneyCarmody via Flickr)

These 14 tips will help you get the love that you want. From these tips you will see that it is not that hard.

1. Romantic true love must be created. It does not 'just happen.'

2. In order for true love to come about you must be realistic with yourself.

3. You commit to your own truth by dedicating yourself to becoming aware of the complex and wide range of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences as they continually shift and change.

4. You will be ready for love once you see the truth in everything.

5. You move beyond your blocks to truth by learning to observe your thoughts and feelings in a compassionate way, even if those thoughts or feelings are scary or inconvenient.

6. When you are able to know who you are, you can then enter into true love.

7. In order for true love to aspire, you must have a partner that is honest and truthful with themself.

8. Once you and your partner are both individually committed to truth, you can work to build a relationship that supports truth.

9. Having truth in a relationship is good because that means you and your partner can both be open and honest with each other.

10. Being truthful does not mean saying hurtful things, but saying important things.

11. With there being truth, that means that you do not have to question if your partner will change and hurt you.

12. A relationship where it is safe for truth to emerge will challenge and support both partners toward increasing awareness and connection to the spectrum of their own truth.

13. When you are in a relationship that is based on truth and both you and your partner are honest with yourselves, you will reach true love.

14. When you achieve true love, you will be able to conquer anything with your partner.

...Continue reading at 14 Truths about Romantic True Love

From these tips that have been presented they should help with dating and assist you to find your true love. The man or woman of your dreams is out there, and you will find them.

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